
Showing posts from November, 2022

The current journalism statistics (2022)

Updated Without a doubt, journalism is a powerful force to be reckoned with, it holds the power to influence media, brainwash, and spread false propaganda. That took a sadistic turn, but aside from the dark side of journalism, it can influence tons of positive factors. Such as human rights, driving social change for the greater good, and generally informing the public on important, must-know topics. Therefore, without further ado, let's hop into the facts and statistics. -Believe it or not 44% of teachers report a rise in journalism class enrollment -Employment in journalism has been continuously declining since 2008. -By 2026, the journalism job market will shrink by 10.1% -The typical journalism salary is below the nation average -74% of the public expressed concern about fake coronavirus news -62% of Americans think social media sites have too much control over news content. -Only 25% of US journalists believe they have the skills to interpret statistical data.  Check out the vi