The current journalism statistics (2022)


Without a doubt, journalism is a powerful force to be reckoned with, it holds the power to influence media, brainwash, and spread false propaganda. That took a sadistic turn, but aside from the dark side of journalism, it can influence tons of positive factors. Such as human rights, driving social change for the greater good, and generally informing the public on important, must-know topics. Therefore, without further ado, let's hop into the facts and statistics.

-Believe it or not 44% of teachers report a rise in journalism class enrollment

-Employment in journalism has been continuously declining since 2008.

-By 2026, the journalism job market will shrink by 10.1%

-The typical journalism salary is below the nation average

-74% of the public expressed concern about fake coronavirus news

-62% of Americans think social media sites have too much control over news content.

-Only 25% of US journalists believe they have the skills to interpret statistical data. 

Check out the video above, for a bit more insight.

The four types of journalism

  1. Investigative journalism — This style of journalism focuses on reporting exclusive news stories other outlets haven’t covered. Each report is the result of a long and exhaustive investigation process that can last for months or even years.

  1. Storytelling journalism — As the name suggests, this style involves presenting otherwise dull, uninteresting stories in a captivating, vivid way. Some of the world’s most popular journalists are known for their storytelling approach to reporting.

  1. Provocative journalism — Not to be confused with what tabloids do, this type of journalism analyzes familiar topics from new perspectives and inspires news consumers to think about them critically.

  1. Analytical journalism — More than just standard reporting, this type of journalism covers topics in a broader context. Analytical journalists usually specialize in the subject they’re covering and have a vast knowledge of it.
Source/ credit:

In conclusion

Journalism is a very dynamic industry, and it's currently dealing with major changes in our information age in the present. 

Due to the rapid, instantaneous spread of digital media, the way we consume information and general content has changed drastically. These changes have inexorably affected traditional media. This forces it to adjust to to today's social media-driven world. On top of that, adapting to new revenue models forced many outlets to lay off staff, and the COVID pandemic 2020 further worsened and contributed to this problem. 

The industry as a whole still has a lot of work to do on establishing newsroom equality and boosting minority voices journalism statistics suggest. Yet, despite some not-so-positive predictions for the journalism job market, the rise of digital will create more opportunities for journalists to tell their stories. Freelance journalists in select niches have a particularly good outlook, but they'll have to avoid fabricated reporting to earn people's trust.


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